Look at stupid, sexy Kubernetes with all the cloud firms hanging off its musclebound arms
Red Hat, better known for its Linux distro despite years of work in middleware and Java, last […]
The many-faced god of operational excellence, DevOps and now ‘site reliability engineering’
Someone’s been kicking up the “NoOps” ant pile again. There it was, sitting there finally rebuilt after the […]
Tensorflow Lite: Neat, but an ordeal to get running on your mobe
Late last year, Google announced a new mobile library for Tensorflow on mobile devices: Lite. If you didn’t […]
Serverless: Should we be scared? Maybe. Is it a silly name? Possibly
What exactly is “serverless”? Like many popular technology terms, the exact definition of serverless is increasingly fluid. Also […]
Developers, developers, developers: How ‘serverless’ crowd dropped ops like it’s hot
What is serverless? Sure, the name serverless sounds stupid, but serverless technologies like AWS Lambda are increasingly being […]
‘Do the DevOps?’ No thanks! Not until a ‘blameless post-mortem’ really is one
What drives organisations to change their ways? What’s the match that lights the powder keg of actually doing […]
Want to learn machine learning in 15 minutes? Start here…
If you’ve heard the excitement about machine learning, but aren’t quite sure how it could apply to your […]